
RS Elite UK National Championship starts next week

The most competitive event so far for the RS Elite Class starts next week and it will be exceptional in many ways.

Hosted by the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes with the forty boat fleet moored in their harbour next to the Castle, the setting could hardly be better. This alone would make the occasion stand out for many sailors who’ve read in awe about the Club and the prestigious regattas they’ve hosted through their illustrious history.

Then add the racing expected at the RS Elite Nationals. Competition is always tight and the biggest ever fleet of these one-design keelboats will only make it closer. Five past Elite Champions have entered, a number of other Elite owners who’ve held National titles in other classes and virtually every RS Elite class Cowes Week, Scottish Series and Irish Nationals winner will also be on the start line! It’s hard to know where to start trying to pick favourites for the 2012 title.

Jono Brown in Aeolus from Burnham is the defending champion – Simon Brien in Kin from Northern Ireland recently won the Dragon Edinburgh Cup in his other boat – Crauford McKeon in Kandoo III from Lymington dominated at the previous biggest Elite championship in 2010 – Shaun McClean in Elixir from Scotland won in 2009 and was runner-up last year…. The list goes on… It will take tactical consistency and the best boat set-up to produce what it takes to win in all conditions for this one.

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