
AC World Series: another podium place for Energy Team

America s Cup World Series San Diego Energy Team 2 fois sur le podiumEnergy Team took third place on Sunday evening in the major fleet race, which closed this America’s Cup World Series in San Diego. After coming second in the Match Racing Championship on Saturday, the French team has therefore reached the podium for a second time and ended this brilliant week in style. Always up there among the frontrunners, the crew led by Yann Guichard, who is currently replacing Loïck Peyron, has proved over and over again its ability to compete at the highest level with the leading players. We look back at Sunday’s fleet race, where the final podium place was fought over in the last few metres by Energy Team.

Yann Guichard, (FRA): “I’m proud of our team and very pleased with the result, particularly as we have shown the other teams that we are a force to be reckoned with. We’ve still got a long way to go to catch the top teams, but we are making progress every day and we’ll be making the most of the four months without any competition to train to be in the best of shape for Naples.”

Bruno Peyron: “Energy Team has reached the podium for the first time and has just shown ahead of schedule that we are a force to be reckoned with for the Top 3. We managed to worry the best teams, beating them and upsetting the hierarchy. We could not have dreamt of more than these two highly symbolic places on the podium in what has been a magnificent week for us in San Diego. I’m proud of the whole team and of the work that has been done  in such a short lapse of time, and proud of the way the group has worked and their attitude throughout, proud of the knowing smiles, which express so much, of the tired and yet poised looks. If we manage to continue to apply the same rigorous approach and partners join us in our venture at the right time, anything is possible… Well done to everyone!”

The whole team will be in Naples (Italy), begining of April, for the next races of AC Worl Series. This time, it will be watched out.

Tags on NauticNews: AC World Series, ACWS, America’s Cup, AC45

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