
Voiles de St Tropez 2005 : The presigious stop

Voiles-st-Tropez-2005For its seventh edition, the “Voiles de Saint-Tropez”  (St Tropez Sails) welcomes,  from October 2nd to 8th , 2005, 250 sailing ships gathering at the same time the  most recent prototypes of race and the most beautiful traditional yachts.

No sailor would like to miss this last stopover of the Yachting season. Since the stop of Nioulargue, the “Voiles de St Tropez”  is the unmissable Mediterranean meeting of all kinds of sailing ships, in a wonderful environment. An innovation for the sailing ships of tradition, Saturday October the 8th  (the  “Panerai Day”), will end with the distribution of the prices of the International Committee of the Mediterranean circuit (CIM). Organized by the Société Nautique, this event will enchant all the participants and the numerous
spectators with many demonstrations, at sea and on land.

The challenge of the architects

In the bay, the spectacle will reach its apogee when Mariette (1915), the senior of the schooners, will  leave the pier. This is the great return of Mariette in the tropezian city. Her construction contributed to  the glory of her architect, Nat Herreshoff, who also designed Eleonora, the splendid copy of famous  Westward. William Fife, who is more known for his incredible gaff cutters, will be represented by Altair  (1931) and the copy of Sunshine, which has just been completed and arrives from ex-Burma driven by Peter Wood, the craftsman of this stupendous built. Lastly, John Alden will also be represented with Lelantina (1937) and Puritan (1931) based in St Tropez.

As dreamed all the lovers of these sirens, this week, powerful and elegant schooners are back.

– NG –

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