
Rolex Sydney Hobart: 14 crew successfully rescued from stricken Yacht


12/2008 –

0015hrs, 27 DECEMBER 2008

At approximately 21:20 hrs, 32 miles south east of Point Perpendicular, a mayday call was issued from the yacht Georgia, a Farr 53 owned by Graeme Ainley and John Williams from Sandringham Yacht Club, as a result of losing her rudder and taking on water.

Tim Cox, Race Committee Chairman liaised with the relevant authorities including AMSA, NSW Water Police and the CYCA Emergency Management Team to effect a rescue. Radio Relay Vessel JBW assisted with the rescue by communicating instructions from the Race Committee to nearby vessels. Telcoinabox Merit, being closest to the stricken yacht effected a rendezvous and stood by for further instructions.

At approximated 23:00 all 14 crew members from Georgia were transferred to Telcoinabox Merit without incident via liferaft.

Telcoinabox Merit set course for Batemans Bay, where the crew will be transferred to the Police launch Nemisis in daylight.

At the time of the crew transfer the yacht was on the verge of sinking and is likely to be lost at sea.

By Jennifer Crooks/Rolex Sydney Hobart Media Team

Photo Credit: Daniel Forster

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