
iShares Cup 2009 : Leg 2 in Hyères

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07/2009 – will attend the second round of the iShares Cup 2009 in Hyères, close to Toulon, from July the 2nd to 5th. For the second year, this spectacular circuit stops in this wonderful French Riviera bay. With the islands of Porquerolles as a background, the 10 Extreme 40 will fight in front of numerous spectators. will be onboard one of those racing boats, fighting close to the coasts in order for spectators to be perfectly placed.

Not to miss

The winner of the first round in Venice, Yann Guichard, perfectly knows this area since the French Olympic Week he attended. But, for this event, the skipper of Gitana Extreme admits that it is particuliarly impressive to navigate so close to the coast “it will be a big first time”. “It may change many things and we have to adapt” he added. Nevertheless, the 10 international teams that are training since the begining of the week, have enough talent and experience to quickly adapt themselves to this new race. They will offer top level regattas that will undoubtly report.

Video of the last year :

Photo Credit : Th.Martinez/Sea&Co/OCEvents


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