
Bright future for VIKING RescYou™ liferafts


11/2009 –

Yachting enthusiasts gain new level of safety and added comfort with the launch of the 2010 range of VIKING’s popular RescYou™ liferafts.

VIKING has made survival easier for the yachting set – and life easier for rescue teams – with the introduction of a bright yellow canopy to its 2010 range of RescYouTM Pro liferafts.

“We challenged conventional industry thinking about liferaft visibility, conducting extensive tests with a variety of colours and nuances to determine exactly which one is easiest to spot in all-weather conditions at sea,” says VIKING Sales & Marketing Director, Henrik U. Christensen. “And it turns out that a very particular version of fluorescent yellow makes a clear difference.”

While it may be new to liferafts, the fluorescent yellow chosen by VIKING is a familiar sight in many European countries, appearing on ambulances and rescue vehicles. Testing has shown the colour provides excellent contrast to gray and dark blue – the colours of the sea. It also offers the best visibility in bad weather and foggy conditions.

The bright yellow canopy isn’t the only innovation for the new RescYouTM Pro liferafts. VIKING has increased bodily comfort for unlucky sailors with blue inner linings designed to reduce anxiety and seasickness, and curtained windows that provide a 360-degree outlook without having to open the liferaft and risk cooling down. Boarding is easier and quicker, too, thanks to new handles positioned above the boarding ramp.

The company’s RescYouTM Pro products have led the market since their debut as the world’s first ultra-fast self-righting liferafts. Today, the range is considered by many to be the ultimate liferaft for all types of yachting and the perfect choice for ocean sailing. Full compliance with ISO standards ensure yachtsmen superior peace of mind.

– PR –

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