
A new record for Spindrift2 on The Discovery Route

Spindrift 2, Dona Bertarelli and Yann Guichard´s maxi trimaran, crossed the finish line at the end of the Discovery Route in San Salvador, Bahamas today, Wednesday November 6, 2013 at 00 hours, 48 minutes and 55 seconds, local time (05 hours, 48 minutes and 55 seconds GMT).

Covering the course in 6 days, 14 hours, 29 minutes and 21 seconds, Spindrift 2 has set a new record* for the 3,885-mile theoretical route at an average 24.5 knots to break the mark set by Frank Cammas on Groupama 3, by 20 hours, 29 minutes and 32 seconds. Spindrift 2 left Cadiz (Spain) last Wedneday, October 30 at 15:19:34 GMT (16:19:34 Local time).The total actual distance sailed by Spindrift 2 was 4,503 miles at an average 28.4 knots

  • Best distance covered on 24h : 714.4 milles November 1st 2013 at 18:45 hours GMT
  • Best average speed on 24h : 29.7 nœuds
  • Max speed : 46,08 knots

*Subject to validation by WSSRC, World Sailing Speed Record Council

Crew of the maxi Spindrift 2 for The Discovery Route:
Dona Bertarelli
Yann Guichard
Xavier Revil
Jean Baptiste le Vaillant
Antoine Carraz
Thierry Douillard
Christophe Espagnon
Sébastien Marsset
Nicolas Texier
Erwan Tabarly
François Morvan
Thomas Rouxel
Simone Gaeta
Erwan Israel

Weather routing : Richard Silvani

Photo Credit : Chris Schmid/Spindrift Racing

Tags on NauticNews : The Discovery Route, Spindrift2

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