
Vendée Globe : Dismast of Foresight Natural Energy

At 2300 French time this Friday the 10th February, Conrad Colman called his team to inform them that Imoca Foresight Natural Energy dismasted. The skipper is unharmed, and was calm during the call. He freed the rigging (mast and mainsail) and he managed to save the boom.

Conrad was sailing upwind in a NE wind of 30-35 knots under the J3 and 3 reefs in the mainsail when the boat dismasted. His location is less than 300 nm from the coast of Portugal.

All of the Kiwi skipper’s team is mobilized and working to help him find solutions to get to land without assistance.

It is obviously a great disappointment for Conrad who has already completed 97% of his first Vendée Globe and is only 793 nm from Sables d’Olonne.

Tags on NauticNews : Vendée Globe, Conrad Colman
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