
VG2020 : Flash – Kevin Escoffier triggers his distress beacon, Jean le Cam goes astray

Kevin Escoffier was in 3rd position in the Vendée Globe on the 22nd day of racing when he triggered his distress beacon (mayday). He was running on starboard tack behind a front in a sustained southwest flow. At 2:46 p.m. PST, he was able to send a message to his shore team, explaining that there was water in the boat. Rescue teams (MRCC Cape Town) are set up in conjunction with the PRB shore team, Jacques Caraës and the Vendée Globe race management team. Jean Le Cam, the closest competitor, was diverted to approach the last known position of the boat when the beacon was triggered (40 ° 55 South 9 ° 18 East). He should arrive in the area around 5 p.m. (French Time).

More details to come.

Tags on NauticNews : Vendée Globe, VG2020, Kevin Escoffier

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