165 Wallypower: when the stars align
— 25 September 2019Iconic designers Espen Øino and Luca Bassani collaborate on new Wally: the ground-breaking Wallypower 50-metre, a Ferretti Group-driven project.
Continue Reading ...Iconic designers Espen Øino and Luca Bassani collaborate on new Wally: the ground-breaking Wallypower 50-metre, a Ferretti Group-driven project.
Continue Reading ...Galateia, the third unit of the ground-breaking wallycento design, was successfully launched in Hythe on the South Coast of England, and is currently undergoing the sea-trials.
Continue Reading ...Hamilton, the first unit of the WallyCento design, was successfully launched today in Hythe on the South Coast of England.
Continue Reading ...The shipyard from Monaco, Wally, has announced the creation of a new class of highly competitive 100-foot cruising yachts: the Wallycento.
Continue Reading ...11/2009 – Following significant interest in the recently launched design of the luxury performance catamaran released by Aeroyacht, worldwide sales agent YCO has announced that Wally has been signed on as the official shipyard. Ben Bartlett, who heads up the specialised sail division of YCO and who masterminded the collaboration, hopes the first yachts will […]
Continue Reading ...10/2009 – When the thought gets outside the state of cultural, industrial or artisitc knowledge, a step forward is taken which may lead the human being to an upper state of his evolution. People able of such abstraction, such extraction, are usually, sooner or later, classified in the cathegory of “genius”. The WHY project (Wally […]
Continue Reading ...Stunning performance marked the debut of the brand new WallyCento Magic Carpet 3
Continue Reading ...Wally introduces a new era for Maxi racing yachts with the launch of Wally//Otto, a state of the art 80ft, One Design racing yacht, with a uniquely versatile design that increases year-round enjoyment and long-term value.
Continue Reading ...Nespresso and Wally have announced the second edition of the Nespresso Cup, international sailing
event that will gather the Wally Class in Portofino in May 2011.
10/2009 – Part (1) of this article Did this new territory require you to come up with a new way to design a boat ? P.-A.D. It is indeed a strange project. Its atypical side draws me in, like when you enter a new world. Hermès needs projects like this. WHY addresses the very real […]
Continue Reading ...Monday 31st May 2021, the launch ceremony of the new RSY 38m EXP took place in the presence of the owners and their family, in full compliance with the COVID measures, which did not hinder the important operations of launching a new boat.